Their store contains a full range of replica shirts in both adult and junior sizes. The latest Wanderers leisurewear which is an eclectic mix that reflects the club and its brand with clean, modern designs. They also have a streetwear collection which has been an independently created range for their fans and a range of Dorking Wanderers accessories.

The founder members Marc White, Mark Lewington, Ian Davidson, Lee Spickett and Penny Gregg brought the club to life and entered the fledgling team into the Crawley & District League in 1999, with the home ground situated at Big Field Brockham.
The club remained at Big Field Brockham until 2007, and after several promotions it relocated to its current Westhumble home. This was a monumental project, which saw a huge off the field effort transform the once derelict site into a senior level football ground.In 2018-19 Dorking Wanderers kicked off the new season in their brand new stadium in Meadowbank Park.

Dorking Wanderers FC are looking to expand their online store by partnering with high quality sports merchandise creators.