Tropez Official Logo

Ideally collaborates with

Suppliers of premium accessories such as:
- passport holders
- beach towels
- bags
- water bottles
- note books
- beanie hats
- phone cases

Get Started

Tropez Official is on a mission to create the best UK premium clothing brand in the market. Tropez currently designs a range of premium mens clothing including t-shirts, hoodies and swimwear.  

Since the Tropez Official launch in 2020, Lucas and his business partner Niko have worked together to develop the brand to ensure their clothing lines allow their customers to feel a million dollars. This feeling starts from the moment an order is placed, all the way through to the wearing of the product. 

A man wearing a cream Tropez Official t-shirt and shorts

Tropez Official offers premium clothing at a fair price point, a core value the brand will stand by and maintain as they develop and grow. Year on year, their collections have expanded and improved with every release. They believe there is no limitation on what they can adapt and expand into as their brand progresses.

For Lucas and Niko, it was important that the Tropez brand was more than just a collection of products. The Tropez brand should create an emotional connection with customers, making them feel special, and ultimately, empowering them to express their own unique style.

A man on a boat wearing a Tropez Official t-shirt


From a young age, Lucas Yazdanfar, founder of Tropez, loved high end fashion. Growing up he always wanted to be the flyest person on non-uniform days although he claims he was never successful due to limited money and resources. Lucas remembers saving all his money to spend on one luxury product - a designer belt. This designer belt was the catalyst for starting Tropez. 

Even though the belt didn't always match outfits perfectly, for Lucas it was about the feeling it created and the boost of confidence that came with it. Lucas wanted to share that feeling with others, to create a brand that not only offered stylish products but also made people feel special and confident - these are the core values of Tropez Official. 

Lucas wanted to develop a brand that not only offered stylish and well-fitting clothing but also prioritised affordability and sustainability. He wanted to produce garments using high-quality materials that were ethically sourced and environmentally friendly, for Lucas, Tropez would be the complete brand that offered this all. 

Tropez official are looking to expand their store with partnerships with premium accessory brands. 

Apparel & accessoriesRetailerUk

Website & Social

Website: tropezofficial

Instagram: tropezofficial

Facebook: tropezofficialuk