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IDA Sports - prioritising women in sport

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IDA Sports creates high performance and comfortable footwear for female athletes. From the grassroots to the pros, IDA Sports believe female athletes should have greater choice and access to the best equipment when they step onto the field. 


It's no secret that female athletes and their unique needs in sport are under-researched and often an afterthought. At IDA, they listen to women, prioritise their needs, and are leading the way when it comes to creating the sports science around female-specific design in soccer cleats.

There are anatomical differences between male and female feet, and "unisex" is not enough when it comes to footwear. Structurally, IDA Sports boots are designed to accommodate the nuances of the female athlete’s foot. Aesthetically, their boots are designed with inclusivity and general badassery in mind. Women deserve cleats that support their unique biomechanics on the field.

IDA Sports boots are made specifically for female athletes

Foot shape: Female feet tend to be more triangular in shape compared to male feet which are more rectangular.

Arch Support: Designed with more arch support to minimise unnecessary foot pain and keep that ankle from collapsing inwards.

Pressure load consideration: Women carry their body weight differently so IDA Sports customised their stud configuration for absorbing weight-bearing pressure

Traction for multi-directional movement: Designed with the intent to support female athletes’ biomechanics and reduce rotational traction on various surfaces.


IDA Sports has worked with elite athletes, physiotherapists, athletic trainers, podiatrists, and sports medicine professionals from around the world. 

Though research of female athletes, optimal gear, and injury prevention is seriously lacking, IDA Sports have been actively engaging with regular opportunities to collaborate and continually study the impact of their boots.

IDA sports innovative football boots for women


Co-founder, Laura Youngson, is a STEM advocate, TED speaker, and four-time Guinness World Record Holder. She’s always been drawn to the power sport had in bringing people together and in 2017, she set out to make a lasting mark in the game she loves.

In 2017, Laura led a group of women to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro to play a record-breaking football match with Equal Playing Field and highlight gender inequalities in sport. During the quest to play the highest altitude football match ever, Laura discovered a common problem facing female players all over the world: their boots were made for men (or kids) and left their feet in pain long after the final whistle blew.

IDA Sports supporting female athletes by developing products specifically for them

Laura learnt that women were putting themselves at risk of injury when they were wearing boots that were made for men. It turns out that women’s feet are shaped differently to men’s.

Laura teamed up with co-founder, and former professional cricketer, Ben Sandhu - they decided it was time to change the game.

In 2018, after months of development, Laura and Ben travelled to Jordan with Equal Playing Field to break the Guinness World Record for the lowest altitude match at the Dead Sea. It was there that they tested prototypes with amateur and professional athletes alike.

Fast forward to 2020 and IDA was ready to launch their first boot. Global pandemic aside, the boots garnered 5-star reviews from players around the world.

What’s next? More innovation, more options, more footwear. IDA Sports are here to listen to athletes, advocate for more research in the women’s game, and ultimately give players more options when it comes to comfortable and well-fitting footwear.

If you’re a female sports team, kit supplier or advocate for female’s in sport, IDA Sports are looking to partner with you to prioritise women in sport.


Alvio Partnerships

  1. Foudys supporting Lucy Bronze and women's football

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