Chefs for Foodies continue to expand as the online destination for premium food with the addition of Lost In Town Brewery to their online store.

lost in town products on the chefs for foodies site through Alvio

Supplier: Lost in Town

Lost In Town Brewery was created because the team needed to find a missing beer. Having spent time investigating the drinks market, analysing what was out there and searching for clues to help them identify their target, they felt instinctively that they were the best men for the job but the odds were stacked against them. So they set about creating their Heartbreaker Pale Ale and Hard Ace Lager. 

lost in town range available on alvio

Retailer: Chefs for Foodies 

Chefs for Foodies is your ultimate online destination for discovering premium food products, curated kits, and top-notch culinary equipment. They celebrate culinary excellence by connecting passionate food enthusiasts with the best in the food industry, all while caring for the planet.

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