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Helping businesses grow in the digital, data-driven economy. Loncom crunch the numbers, build systems and give tactical support in the areas most needed.

Website: Loncom Consulting

Loncom works with a wide range of software tools to help you achieve data enlightenment! They tailor the latest CRM, Ecommerce and productivity tools based on data outputs to improve your forecasting and boost your marketing communications and sales.

They believe by putting data first, it provides the right foundation for everything else. Substance before style.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management): The Loncom team builds and tailors cloud-based systems that manage your customer data, relationships and interactions from a single accessible platform. They are happy to do upgrades, migrations, bespoke coding and plug-in adaptations at affordable prices, working across Salesforce, HubSpot and Zoho. Unlock the full potential of a CRM system and make sure you select the right one for your industry.

Data-led communication tools: Loncom make the most out of the data you collect to help improve business efficiencies. They provide guidance on inventory management, production, products and order data. This all starts with good data management and the right tools. They also provide a data migration service to help you get, and use the right tools. 


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