Connecting your store to Alvio via the New Jonas API is really simple.

If you haven't already please go ahead and onboard with the Alvio platform. to start onboarding please fill out this form

Preparing to connect to Alvio

Before connecting to the Alvio platform there are some simple setup steps on your Jonas store that need to be done.

Setup Alvio Departments 

Firstly please setup the following departments in your store for the products from suppliers to be initially assigned to 

Department: alvio
Sub Department: alvio
Web Department: alvio
Sub Web Department: alvio

Jonas API

Once this has been done you will need to obtain from Jonas the following API credentials 

Jonas Identifier & API Key

They will look something like this 

identifier: wolves
Token: 113|On6Xi9TKT5AZShXYxOHDqQdFqih7chw2B90D84q8

Order Processing 

For the integration to work properly your account will need to be set to allow Partial Fulfilment if this is not enabled all of your Alvio suppliers fulfilment updates will fail.  

All orders should be set to Automatically Release as again your supplier will not be bale to send fulfilment data until an order is in a released state. Whilst we do handle errors occurring due to fulfilments being sent to locked orders it is best practice to enable auto release. 

NB: should you need help with any of these steps above please contact Jonas Support


 Connecting to your Alvio Account 

  1. Sign up for an Alvio Account. ( if you haven't already )
  2. Login
  3. Select Jonas as you platform
  4. Click Connect Your Store
  5. Input the details you have created previously ( See Below )
  6. Click Confirm

Next Steps

Connect to your Supplier

Import Products 

Jonas retailRetailer