Who can end connections?

Either partner can choose to end a connection. Depending on the type of connection the process is slightly different. When deleting a supplier connection the whether you are the supplier or the retailer  initiating the process will be presented with two options, a consumer friendly break or an instant break.

How To End A Connection 

  1. Login to Alvio
  2. On the Dashboard, Click Manage Partnerships 
  3. Click Configure Connection next to the partner you want to disconnect from
  4. Click Terminate Connection 
  5. Select Consumer Friendly or Instant Break ( See below for definitions )
  6. Click End Connection


Types of ending a connection

Consumer friendly break

We strongly recommend a consumer friendly break. When a consumer friendly break is selected, the Alvio Network will mark the connection as pending deletion. When a connection is pending deletion no new Suppliers can still fulfil any open orders that were placed prior to the break being initiated and customers will continue to receive updates.

Once all open orders are fulfilled the connection will be deleted permanently. If required any partner can upgrade from a consumer friendly break to an instant break.

Instant break


An instant break will mark the connection for immediate deletion. Once triggered all imported products will be marked as sold out and no new orders will be pushed from the retail partner to the product partner. If the product partner had turned on invoicing a final trade invoice will be generated and sent to the retail partner.

Deleting a data connection

A data partner can always be safely deleted at any point. Once the connection is deleted the connected data partner will no longer be able to import product data from the other data partner. However all previously imported products will remain.
